What are foods to help memory?

A family member was diagnosed with Alzheimers and we are wondering if there are foods she should be eating more of to help delay the inevitable?


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Christine Gebhard
By Christine Gebhard
95 - Community Member
6 years ago

I recently read this interesting article about Alzheimer's in the LA Times: http://www.latimes.com/local/abcarian/la-me-abcarian-tap-water-20180405-story.html
It's mainly about food & drink and how they relate to memory.

Heidi Sloane
By Heidi Sloane
1040 - Community Leader
6 years ago

I don't remember the details but I've read that coffee helps both with prevention and with reducing the effects... Hope it helps!

Cristi Jayo
By Cristi Jayo
300 - Contributor
6 years ago

My grandma was a coffee lover and suffered from Alzheimers.. Guess it doesn't work for everyone :/

Mara Landis
By Mara Landis
1445 - Community Leader
6 years ago

Supposedly, coconut oil helps. I have read one should eat 2 tbsp daily. Hope this helps.