Hot Yoga saved my life.

Heidi Sloane

New Yorker living in Mexico City. Co-founder of COLAB Cold Brew and team member of Nutmeg Aspirin. Thanks to my progressive hippie parents, I've been lucky enough to have access to homeopathic and holistic doctors since I was born.


How It Works

in truth, we all need exercise. Being spiritual creatures by nature we also crave connection; Connection to source, community, ourselves.

Yoga, especially a heated class, is the one thing that I can say provides me with all of these things.


There are many types of yoga, as there are many types of bodies and levels of fitness, age, and flexibility.

For those who claim to have no flexibility, there is yoga for you. I challenge you to try it, make space in your life for yourself. You have nothing to lose (besides sweat, toxins, and a few unneeded extra lbs) and everything to gain.





Easy Neither easy
nor hard

What do you think?

Heidi Sloane

New Yorker living in Mexico City. Co-founder of COLAB Cold Brew and team member of Nutmeg Aspirin. Thanks to my progressive hippie parents, I've been lucky enough to have access to homeopathic and holistic doctors since I was born.

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Donna Scro
By Donna Scro
15 - Community Member
5 years ago

Is this article missing some paragraphs? How did hot yoga save her life, exactly?

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