Photo by Harli Marten on Unsplash
Mara Landis

Blogger, Mother, Founder of Nutmeg Aspirin, Advocate & "Guinea Pig" for feeling-getting-being-better. Mara is a NY State Safe & Healthy Foods Advisory Council Member, an Advisor to Columbia University’s Spirituality Mind Body Institute, and is currently involved in The Vitality Project at Brown University--a research study looking at the effects of Qi Gong on cancer patients post chemo and radiation as well as supporting efforts to bring mindfulness to doctors in training and the students at large. Mara is a perpetual student of all aspects of holistic living and passionate about helping others to "feel, get and be better."

Meredith Geller, HHC
I'm a wellness curator, nutrition maven, and your healthy lifestyle resource. I help you elevate your life by streamlining your pantry ingredients. As a holistic nutrition consultant and clean living expert, I'm in love with finding practices and products that promote the sparkle. Since 2005, I’ve been tasting, testing, and vetting the very best organic food companies, supplement brands, herbal remedies, tonics, green juices, and beyond — all in an effort to put life-generating nutrients into my body and yours.

How It Works

Unlike traditional saunas, which heat the body indirectly via air or steam, the infrared sauna uses infrared heaters to emit infrared radiant heat, which is absorbed directly into the body. Infrared technology tricks the body into thinking it has a fever; white blood cells are then released, increasing immunity. The temperature of an infrared sauna is lower than a normal sauna (the ideal range of infrared: 140-145 degrees fahrenheit vs normal sauna: 180-190 degrees fahrenheit ). There have been many studies that illustrate how infrared saunas boost metabolism, mainly by removing toxicity/heavy metals and allowing the body to function optimally.


Important note:

Avoid all saunas if you are pregnant, have asthma, and if you are a child or someone advanced in age who has heart disease or seizure disorders.


What You’ll Need


Easy Neither easy
nor hard


I discovered infrared saunas in the late '90's and have been hopping in them for years.


When I began my own path of deeper cleansing and detoxification to elevate my health 11+ years ago, I began using infrared saunas and experienced great relief.

Cleansing the body on a deeper level can be a challenge sometimes because of potential cleansing reactions (if you have ever engaged in this, you know what I am referring to). Cleansing reactions can show up as headaches, skin eruptions, nausea, mind fog, fever, heart palpitations, dizziness, depression, anxiety, and in various other forms. We want to support the main elimination organs as much as possible to reduce these symptoms (skin, lungs, large intestine, liver, kidneys, lymphatic system).


When we are cleansing at a slower pace, the reactions are minimal. However, it depends on your own constitution (strong, medium, weak), how easily your body can kick out the junk, and the toxicity levels you are dealing with in the first place. Personally, I tend to go 'all in' no matter what. Extreme practices are often my mode of operation. Doesn't always feel the best though.


Infrared saunas helped me reduce my cleansing reactions, lose the puffiness, increase my energy levels, sleep better, have better circulation, and made my skin glow and feel much softer. It's a major anti-aging treatment minus the drugs, chemicals, pokes, incisions, and pain that often comes along with ant-aging treatments.


What I love about infrared saunas though is that it can be used as a preventative practice and not only for when we want to do heavy detoxing. They are perfectly safe and will increase your health exponentially (providing you don't have any of the conditions listed above).



What do you think?

Mara Landis

Blogger, Mother, Founder of Nutmeg Aspirin, Advocate & "Guinea Pig" for feeling-getting-being-better. Mara is a NY State Safe & Healthy Foods Advisory Council Member, an Advisor to Columbia University’s Spirituality Mind Body Institute, and is currently involved in The Vitality Project at Brown University--a research study looking at the effects of Qi Gong on cancer patients post chemo and radiation as well as supporting efforts to bring mindfulness to doctors in training and the students at large. Mara is a perpetual student of all aspects of holistic living and passionate about helping others to "feel, get and be better."

Meredith Geller, HHC
I'm a wellness curator, nutrition maven, and your healthy lifestyle resource. I help you elevate your life by streamlining your pantry ingredients. As a holistic nutrition consultant and clean living expert, I'm in love with finding practices and products that promote the sparkle. Since 2005, I’ve been tasting, testing, and vetting the very best organic food companies, supplement brands, herbal remedies, tonics, green juices, and beyond — all in an effort to put life-generating nutrients into my body and yours.
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