5 Tips for Getting Better Sleep


How It Works

Why We Need Sleep

Getting enough sleep is just as important as eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Most people need 7-8 hours of restful sleep each night.

When you sleep, your body and mind get time to heal. Adequate sleep can also help reduce anxiety and alleviate depression.

Here are five ways you can get better sleep.

1. Set a regular bedtime and wake up time.

Setting a regular bedtime and wake-up time can help create consistency and train your brain and body to fall asleep when it needs to. This can be easily done with an alarm.

Set a goal and work towards your target time over a seven-day period by going to bed earlier and/or waking up earlier each day. For example, if you want to start waking up at 6:00 a.m., but you usually don’t wake up until 8:00 a.m., start by setting an alarm for 7:45 a.m the first day, then 7:30 a.m. the second day, then 7:15 a.m. the third day, etc.

2. Remove stimulants at least 30 minutes before your desired bedtime.

Removing stimulants can range from cutting out late night drinks and snacks such as sugar, caffeine, or alcohol, to viewing screens such as TV’s, computer monitors and cell phones.

Caffeine has a half-life of six hours, so if you’re sensitive to caffeine, cut off the coffee, tea, and sodas after 2:00 p.m.

Computers and phones can be stimulating too, so put your phone and/or computer away and give your body (and brain) time to wind down.

3. Create a comfortable environment.

Ideally, try to provide an area that is quiet, dark, climate-controlled, free from noise or distractions, and most of all, comfortable.

Maybe you need to sleep with ear plugs, an eye mask, and nasal strips to make it through the night. Or perhaps a weighted blanket or a feather top mattress pad is all you need to be comfy.

It’s also important to have the right foundation. That means that your mattress should be comfy yet supportive. Spend some time shopping for a mattress that suits your body type and sleeping style. If you can’t afford a new mattress, invest in a mattress topper to improve your current mattress.

4. Save your bed for sleep.

Resist the urge to use your bedroom for activities other than intimacy or sleep. That means no phone, no computer, no working, and no emails.

Also, while it might be fun to snuggle up with pets, having animals in bed can make it harder to get a restful night’s sleep.

5. Don’t overthink it.

Avoid negative thoughts at bedtime. Reflecting on negative thoughts will only stress you out and increase your chances of a poor night’s sleep. Instead, think of things you are thankful for from your day.

If a little bit of white noise doesn’t bother you, try falling asleep to a peaceful song or nature sounds.

And if you can’t stop thinking about all of the things you have to do the next day, keep a notepad by your bed and write everything down so your mind can relax.


You deserve a good night's rest. To get better sleep, create a sleep routine, make yourself comfortable, and give your mind and body time to relax. Do what works best for you and don't let anyone sleep shame you.You need your beauty sleep!

What You’ll Need

  • pillow
  • mattress


Easy Neither easy
nor hard

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