Choose Joy and Release Dis-ease with The Path to Heal


How It Works

I have discovered through The Path to Heal that all dis-ease can be released when we discover the psycho-spiritual root of the dis-ease. The Path to Heal does just that. Through The Path I have released chronic Lyme and have helped others release it too as well as many other chronic conditions. The goal of The Path to Heal is to help us all choose JOY through being enthusiastically ourselves at all time and that watch as all good things come to us.

The Path to Heal is a healing system that I have channelled in from the Goddess ISIS over the past 7 years that gives us the keys to healing. When receiving a healing session, the practitioner will muscle test a protocol and tell the story as to why you are holding onto any kind of disease or struggle. Once the aha is received the practitioner will raise your vibration to unconditional love using specific crystals, tuning forks and essential oils. Sometimes the dis-ease is released immediately and sometimes there are layers holding in place that can be removed with multiple Path sessions.


There are self-help tools associated with Path in the form ten books by Rebecca Cohen available on A few that I will list here are:

Divine Grids, A Celebration of Crystal Healing

Seasons of Love, Transcendent Essential Oil Formulas to Heal the Mind, Body Spirt and Soul

Discovering Enlightenment in the Age of Donald Trump -- Messages of Love from our Angels in the Divided World

What is My Dog Teaching Me About Me

Mystical Manifestation

There are multiple Path practitioners that can be found on the website.

Sessions can be done in person or by phone or skype.

The image connected to this post is The Key to Mystical Manifestation. We can heal anything, we can manifest anything! Stare at the photo while stating your intention. A portal to the manifestation of your desire will be created. Follow the signs and your dreams will come true.


Easy Neither easy
nor hard

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