HempWorx CBD Oil Drops Helps With Pain/Neuropathy!


How It Works

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is just one of over 85 cannabinoids that is identified in the cannabis plant. CBD is becoming increasingly popular amongst the masses for having a wide scope of medicinal benefits – due to clinical reports and mounds of test data showing little to no side effects and a lack of psychoactivity (typically associated with marijuana products and high THC).

Cannabidiol (CBD) is not only a major phytocannabinoid, it is the most concentrated form from the three main cannabis plants. The three main forms to use cannabis are Hashish, Resin, & Oil.

All mammals have an endocannabiniod system. Every mammal's system CRAVES hemp/cannabis. We are made to ingest the compounds found in this humble herb and plant. THIS is our road to wellness.


Hempworx CBD Herbal oil drops (750ml) are from organic, non gmo Hemp grown in the USA. Drops come in 500 and 750 gram ... I take the 750 gram.


This particular brand is the purest CBD Hemp Oil on the market at the moment. A lot of CBD oils are not as pure and you can get headaches from them. The recommended dosage is 20 drops in the morning, 20 drops in the afternoon. I started out slow at one drop and am continuing to build up with one extra drop with every dose. I am currently up to ten drops per dose, and maintaining for a few days. I went completely off my opioids on day three on the drops. I feel great. I have had no withdrawal symptoms, I have less pain than when on the opioids, I am sleeping better at night (I do take cannabis oil (hash oil) for sleep) but the drops have made my sleep very restful. I really feel terrific!!! :)



What You’ll Need

  • Hempworx CBD 750mg Herbal Drops


Easy Neither easy
nor hard


My testimonial on the HEMPWORX webpage:


"HEMPWORX, I owe you an apology. When your ads were so enthusiastic about the CBD oil, I thought maybe you could be exaggerating a bit for sales. The testimonials, I thought maybe they could have been encouraged with free product or something. I am skeptical by nature and am leery of things that seem almost too good to be true.

But these drops are! amazing! I cut my opioid dose in half and on the second day, I took the one painkiller late. Because I didn't really need it. I even took my evening drops late. Because I didn't need them. I am considering going off this opioid completely tomorrow because I feel so good! My mood is amazing ... I've been depressed since the day I was born I think, and have been on antidepressants for 19 years ... I will be going off of those too ... I am going to try very hard to ditch all the pharmas I am on because I do believe in this oil.

I cannot thank you enough for bringing this product to my attention. This could be the start of a new life for me ... I still have skeletal issues which I don't think this product can fix, lol ... but depression, anxiety, chronic pain ... I feel 1,000% better than I did only two days ago. God bless you! "


Hempworx CBD Herbal oil drops (750ml) are from organic, non gmo Hemp grown in the USA. Drops come in 500 and 750 gram ... I take the 750 gram.


I have auto immune disease, rheumatoid arthritis, spinal stenosis, spinal scoliosis, bulging discs on nerve roots, chronic pain, neuropathy, depression, anxiety. I am/was on five pharma meds: Ralivia 100mg, Cymbalta 60mg, Tecta 40mg, Paxil 30mg and Hydromorphone 1mg (as needed). I am a walking chemical! And I believe I have found a solution!!! I now have HOPE! for the first time in nine years. I have been 'permanently disabled' for over seven. I was in constant pain! I was so disheartened that my life had become almost unbearable!



I DID go off my opioids! Next week I am halving my Cymbalta with the aim of going off it as well! I simply cannot believe how I feel! My depression is relieved, my anxiety lessened. I did have tension headaches when I started the drops but I was SO nervous about withdrawal symptoms I was making myself anxious! The headaches are now gone. I have energy! Water retention gone! Slight decrease in appetite! Very little pain! No morning stiffness! I am happy! I am content! I am so blessed to have found this company! I can't say enough about how good I feel. I know I sound like a cheesy ad for this company but quite sincerely? I never thought I would feel this good again. I am both speechless and yelling from the rooftops at the same time! I actually knelt down for the first time in 15 years without a knife in my right knee! I have an ACL injury (1990s) and water on the knee, and I knelt down and vacuumed under the bed! Heck, I changed the sheets AND vacuumed in the SAME DAY! If you have pain, you know how special THAT is!!


Your results might not be as good as mine, or they might be better! Everyone reacts differently to Hempworx CBD Hemp Oil Drops just as our bodies all react differently to anything we ingest. It is recommended that you take five drops, twice a day for the first few days to start, increase to 10 drops, twice a day for a few days, working your way to 20 drops, twice a day. At my low dosage I do take a few drops in the afternoon if I need it. If your symptoms return at a higher dosage it means you are taking too many and to reduce the amount back to where you felt best. I pray that your experience will be as good as mine. i love this product so much that now I sell it too! Just because people HAVE to know this!!! Godspeed. <3



What do you think?

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Susan Huskins
By Susan Huskins
15 - Community Member
5 years ago

I'm more confused then before. I have spinal disc injuries from a car accident years ago. Permanently disabled. Also, been diagnosed with bilateral trigeminal neuralgia. Bought gummy cbd oil (tincture) 30ml. It relaxes me, but doesn't seem to be taking pain away or make it any bearable. Now I was told about hempworx. Is it a better or different product? And should I try this one, or up the milligrams on my existing purchase nxt time.

Eleanor Klemp
By Eleanor Klemp
20 - Community Member
6 years ago

want to try this for my arthritic pain and neuropathy

Elfi Lamm Martinez
By Elfi Lamm Martinez
25 - Community Member
6 years ago


Delores Mulrooney
By Delores Mulrooney
15 - Community Member
6 years ago

i want to try this for my neck pain

Eleanor Klemp
By Eleanor Klemp
20 - Community Member
6 years ago

I had a knee replacement on my right knee. left knee I get gel shots every six months. I am very arthritic and I am a diabetic and I have neuropathy in feet. I am 72 have been active my whole life. Now their days I can hardly get down the stairs. I would love to dance again and play tennis.

Shelby Thompson
By Shelby Thompson
20 - Community Member
6 years ago

I want to try this for fibromyalgia and arthritis pain

Shelby Thompson
By Shelby Thompson
20 - Community Member
6 years ago

How do I order it

Elfi Lamm Martinez
By Elfi Lamm Martinez
25 - Community Member
6 years ago


Lonna Mattice
By Lonna Mattice
15 - Community Member
6 years ago

Sounds amazing want to try

Elfi Lamm Martinez
By Elfi Lamm Martinez
25 - Community Member
6 years ago


Danilo Panzano
By Danilo Panzano
15 - Community Member
7 years ago

hi Jenna Zwagil :) sooo if it 's 49.61 mg/ml x 30ml = 1488.3mg but you market only 500mg and 750mg it means that you blend it with oil at a later step to lower down CBD to 500mg and 750mg ....is that correct? Shouldn't you analyse it at the end of the process to certificate the actual concentration? cheers #hempworx or #hemphoax ?

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