Nature Only Cures Cancer

Nature Only Cures Cancer

How It Works

Give up Dairy & bakery products. Give up alcohol,red meat,refined oils,Give up sweets. Take only natural sugar of fruits.Be happy so that immune system will boost.


What You’ll Need


Easy Neither easy
nor hard
Nature Only Cures Cancer


Dear Cancer Patients & their beloved ones,

Today is the happiest day for me & I am sure for you also.

Yesterday I received the scan report of my friend .This reports shows great shrinking in his tumor . Sadly to say I am unable to laod scan report on this page as I do not have required size. I tried lot but not succeeded.


I am unable to express my joy in words. I am sharing my joy with you which will, I am sure, will give you great hope & joy.

I have attached two scan reports of of my friends tumor of adinocarcinoma metastatic to liver IV stage. One report ( Very first report ) is dated 27.04.2017 in which the tumor size is 62 x 115 mm ( in report in cm = 6.2 cm x 11.5 cm ) 

& the latest scan report shows size of tumor is 53 mm x 34 mm ( In cm = 5.3 cm x 3.4 cm )

This means his tumor is got shrank by 3/4 & now only 1/4 tumor is remaining.

Is not this a great news?

As soon as I came to know of my friend's cancer I searched lot like a mad for natural cures on net during my sleepless nights. I found great information through many best articles. I made a diet plan by selecting common ( on the Common factor basis ) ingredients from many articles. My friend followed that plan strictly & see the result.

I will not hide that he has had 3 chemotherapy cycles after every 21 days. But I will mention one thing firmly that we started the diet one week before first chemo. Because of this he had no side effects of chemo. Now after 3 chemo & daily 4 capsules of chemo he has nil side effects. He has not even lost a single hair.

Is this possible in chemo?. Myself and my friend is sure that what ever happened to tumor is because of healthy diet plan.

The chemo has affected lot on hemoglobin,WBC,immunity, etc.If he would have not having this healthy diet he would have gone into critical condition. What ever hemoglobin, WBC,immunity etc are not going further down & are stable are because of healthy natural diet.

In this group there are many patients who has more than 20 to 30 chemos but not found that their tumor got shrank in this speed & in this ratio.

So all dears feel happy that we have proof now with us which says nature is the only cure.

Thanks a lot. Have a great future. Love nature. Nature is a only cure & it takes our care.

Yours & only yours Ravindra Kirtane

What do you think?

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Ravindra Kirtane
By Ravindra Kirtane
35 - Community Member
6 years ago

I think there is no cure by chemo and radiation.The surviver rate is very low from 25 to 40% for five years. If patient survive for five years, his life is not normal like us. Not comfortable at all. Only in the cases of sucsessful sergary patients live their life with comforts & long. Nature surely cures cancer & if not get cured, the patients never get painful death & live longer.

Nutmeg Aspirin
By Nutmeg Aspirin
360 - Contributor
7 years ago

Thanks so much for sharing and so happy for your friend. Please try to resize the photo and upload as proof of healing is always appreciated for those trying to discern what they might want to try.

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