How I Stopped My Neuropathy After Chemo

Neuropathy gone energy back

How It Works

I was asked to share how I stopped my neuropathy after chemo. I was introduced to Harmless Harvest Coconut Water and fresh juicing. Within 4 days of drinking 16oz of each twice daily--in the morning and the afternoon, my neuropathy was gone. I could stand without crying.

Since then I have discovered watermelon water and organic raw wheat grass powder. They also help, but make sure it is cold pressed. This is the key.


What You’ll Need


Easy Neither easy
nor hard


I have been through 2 different chemotherapies and 11 surgeries. I was in so much pain after the first chemo, I cried anytime I had to stand, walk, or move. A friend said to me-- we need to get you healed, but we had no idea it would stop the pain. She wanted to make me heathy after chemo and  it did. I went stage 1 to stage 4 to no evidence. I changed my diet. I ate better, added wheat grass to my day, juicied and drank coconut water. I don’t do this daily anymore. This summer I even made my own watermelon water. I believe it has something to do with magnesium and potassium for the pain. I even used Highlands Leg Cramp which helped.

I couldn’t allow the chemo to stop my life.

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By pamela
65 - Community Member
3 years ago

I’m giving a testimony about Dr. KOKOBI, the great Herbalist, he has the cure to all manner of diseases, he cured my  breast cancer, though II went through different websites and I saw different testimonies about different spell casters and herbalists. I was like: ‘Many people have the breast cancer remedy, So why are people still suffering from it?’ I thought of it, then I decided to contact to greatest surprise his remedy works perfectly

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