Oscillococcinum Prevents a Bad Cold

Mara Landis

Blogger, Mother, Founder of Nutmeg Aspirin, Advocate & "Guinea Pig" for feeling-getting-being-better. Mara is a NY State Safe & Healthy Foods Advisory Council Member, an Advisor to Columbia University’s Spirituality Mind Body Institute, and is currently involved in The Vitality Project at Brown University--a research study looking at the effects of Qi Gong on cancer patients post chemo and radiation as well as supporting efforts to bring mindfulness to doctors in training and the students at large. Mara is a perpetual student of all aspects of holistic living and passionate about helping others to "feel, get and be better."


How It Works

Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic flu medicine, that helps prevent a very bad cold!


They are little sugar balls, that comes in small containers, that you take every 6 hours (3 times a day max). I always set alarms on my phone, for every 6 hours, just to remind me to take it at the correct time! it always works, and it tastes so goooood, just like a little sweety :)

What You’ll Need


Easy Neither easy
nor hard


When you have one of those mornings, when you wake up feelings drowsy, tired, and you know a cold is about to hit your body...just immediately start taking oscillococcinum, and either your cold will never be able to attack your body, or it will ease out the beginning of the flu, make it go away faster, and really reduce the harsh symptoms. I ALWAYS take this, and every time is has been amazing. I always get a cold at the worst times, e.g., before an important performance, but I begin taking oscillococcinum and it really reduces all the flu symptoms!!!

What do you think?

Mara Landis

Blogger, Mother, Founder of Nutmeg Aspirin, Advocate & "Guinea Pig" for feeling-getting-being-better. Mara is a NY State Safe & Healthy Foods Advisory Council Member, an Advisor to Columbia University’s Spirituality Mind Body Institute, and is currently involved in The Vitality Project at Brown University--a research study looking at the effects of Qi Gong on cancer patients post chemo and radiation as well as supporting efforts to bring mindfulness to doctors in training and the students at large. Mara is a perpetual student of all aspects of holistic living and passionate about helping others to "feel, get and be better."

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Cristi Jayo
By Cristi Jayo
300 - Contributor
5 years ago

Sounds like what I do with echinacea. Maybe I’ll try this next time. Thanks!

Jade Gardner
By Jade Gardner
90 - Community Member
7 years ago

A great immune booster!

Lara Birgit
By Lara Birgit
60 - Community Member
7 years ago

I always take this if I feel like I'm about to catch a cold. Amazing!

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