Avoid Exercise Fatigue & Nausea with Bioplasma Cell Salts

Steve Sloane
I live in Ossining with my wife Melanie, who is a yoga instructor and massage therapist. I've written 150+ short stories and plays, some of which detail my complementary medical experiences and others dealing with ecology and progressive politics.

How It Works

Take a few tablets of cell salts before during and/or after exercising to replenish your minerals and improve your overall cell functioning. (I use and can recommend Hyland's Bioplasma Cell Salts, but I bet there are others out there that work well too.) Bioplasma cell salts are supposed to help with all sorts of things including oxygenation, water balance, digestion and removing toxins. I don't know the full science behind it but I know it works for me when it comes to avoiding fatigue and nausea while exercising!

What You’ll Need

  • Water
  • (Bioplasma) Cell Salts


Easy Neither easy
nor hard


I love practicing Bikram / hot yoga but sometimes it would make me feel nauseated, especially if I practiced in the morning. Actually, any type of exercise would make me feel nauseated in the morning! (As a kid, my travel soccer coach always brought a vomit bag to our morning games because he knew I'd need it.) My dad – who is 67 years old and incredibly active – suggested I take bioplasma cell salts, which had been recommended to him to avoid fatigue while playing tennis in the heat. I started taking them before and after yoga class and couldn't believe how great I felt. Now I can push my limits without worrying about getting nauseated.

What do you think?

Steve Sloane
I live in Ossining with my wife Melanie, who is a yoga instructor and massage therapist. I've written 150+ short stories and plays, some of which detail my complementary medical experiences and others dealing with ecology and progressive politics.
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Mara Landis
By Mara Landis
1445 - Community Leader
7 years ago

I am definitely going to try. Thanks for posting this possibility!

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