Dynamis Essence, Better Than Coffee


How It Works

Take 7 drops of Australian Bush Flower's Dynamis Essence under the tongue. Hold it under the tongue for maybe 10-20 seconds then swallow. The effect-- you will feel energized, but without a buzz or caffeine-like effect. The feeling is subtle. Like-- all of sudden awhile later, you realize, your not tired anymore.

What You’ll Need


Easy Neither easy
nor hard


A healer I work with often "prescribes" the Australian Bush flowers. They are vibrational flower essences-- meaning the vibration of the flower is mixed/infused with brandy and when you ingest 7 drops, the vibration of the flower has a "vibrational effect" on your emotional body. My family and I have used many different combos of the essences over the years to shift emotionally, but Dynamis is a constant in my life. Whenever I need a boost of energy, I put 7 drops under my tongue.


Recently I shared them with a friend before heading out for the evening. She was really tired and she looked at me later (almost in shock) when it hit her, that she had forgotten she was tired and that Dynamis Essence REALLY WORKS!!

What do you think?

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Jamie Ferrell
By Jamie Ferrell
940 - Ambassador
6 years ago

Cool! Where do you get it?

Mara Landis
By Mara Landis
1445 - Community Leader
6 years ago

Amazon. Click on ingredients and you will be directed to Amazon.

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