EFT for Pain, Anxiety, Panic

Mara Landis

Blogger, Mother, Founder of Nutmeg Aspirin, Advocate & "Guinea Pig" for feeling-getting-being-better. Mara is a NY State Safe & Healthy Foods Advisory Council Member, an Advisor to Columbia University’s Spirituality Mind Body Institute, and is currently involved in The Vitality Project at Brown University--a research study looking at the effects of Qi Gong on cancer patients post chemo and radiation as well as supporting efforts to bring mindfulness to doctors in training and the students at large. Mara is a perpetual student of all aspects of holistic living and passionate about helping others to "feel, get and be better."

Jamie Ferrell
A writer, yoga teacher, EFT practitioner, and mother, Jamie lives and breathes helping others feel, get, and be better. A former MindBodyGreen contributor, she writes to create connections in the shared experiences of the human condition and to share ways to be more fulfilled. You can find more of her work at jamieferrell.com

How It Works

Simply 'tap' on acupuncture points, while saying out loud what the specific issue is, it reduces almost immediately!

What You’ll Need

  • A problem
  • At least one finger


Easy Neither easy
nor hard


All of my spiritual work, energy work, nutritional changes, recovery, and willingness to move to the next level has led me to EFT as yet another tool. However, this tool is so powerful, I quit my nutrition practice to do this instead. It goes to the core of the issue, established in childhood. I have been able to heal so many unresolved hurts, so much terrible guilt. I am freer to move forward, I finally feel like I belong here. I am at peace (mostly) with other people, no matter what they do.

What do you think?

Mara Landis

Blogger, Mother, Founder of Nutmeg Aspirin, Advocate & "Guinea Pig" for feeling-getting-being-better. Mara is a NY State Safe & Healthy Foods Advisory Council Member, an Advisor to Columbia University’s Spirituality Mind Body Institute, and is currently involved in The Vitality Project at Brown University--a research study looking at the effects of Qi Gong on cancer patients post chemo and radiation as well as supporting efforts to bring mindfulness to doctors in training and the students at large. Mara is a perpetual student of all aspects of holistic living and passionate about helping others to "feel, get and be better."

Jamie Ferrell
A writer, yoga teacher, EFT practitioner, and mother, Jamie lives and breathes helping others feel, get, and be better. A former MindBodyGreen contributor, she writes to create connections in the shared experiences of the human condition and to share ways to be more fulfilled. You can find more of her work at jamieferrell.com
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Joy Harari
By Joy Harari
35 - Community Member
7 years ago

I am a certified EFT Practitioner. I have seen people with 17 years of psychotherapy resolve their issues with 4-6 months of tapping on a weekly basis. It is the most amazing modality I have ever seen and I am still awed by the simplicity and efficacy of its application.

Jamie Ferrell
By Jamie Ferrell
940 - Ambassador
7 years ago

I am an EFT practitioner, too! I love it!

Mara Landis
By Mara Landis
1445 - Community Leader
7 years ago

EFT is amazing! Thank you for sharing. For people who do not know what it is, could you provide some direction on how to do it? It is so simple and yet SO effective!! Thanks!

Daniel Sonntag
By Daniel Sonntag
40 - Community Member
7 years ago

Hi Mara! I'm so happy you know EFT and like it.

What would be the best way to explain it here? Post a written article? Do a quick video on my YouTube? -Dan

Mara Landis
By Mara Landis
1445 - Community Leader
7 years ago

Perhaps provide a video link and walk people thru the steps. We are working on embedding videos. Coming soon!

Daniel Sonntag
By Daniel Sonntag
40 - Community Member
7 years ago

I will work on putting a write-up and a video together. I need it for myself anyway!

Link copied to clipboard.