Healed Stage 4 Breast Cancer with Fruit and Faith!

Healed Stage 4 Breast Cancer with Fruit and Faith

How It Works

I healed Stage 4 Breast Cancer by addressing my mind/body and soul.


BODY: The protocol is called NORI (Nutritional Oncology Research Institute). The foundation for NORI is a low methionine diet. Methionine is an amino acid that cancer cells need to survive. Fruit is the lowest methionine food. So by eating a diet high in fruit, you're essentially starving the cancer cells. In fact, tumor die off begins hours after an all fruit diet!! The non-toxic chemo cocktail is: Sodium Selenite, Vit K3, Geranium Fruit Extract (Chinese herb), Vit E and Citric Acid. I was on a Methionine restriction/repletion cycle (for 8 months), where I restricted Methionine for 3 weeks and replenished for 1 week with a low fat vegan diet. I started the program on April 15, 2015 and got my blood work done every 3-4 months. The tumor markers started to drop. My oncologist couldn't believe it and told me that the only way we’ll know what’s really going on is through a PET/CT scan, which I did in January of 2016 and it was ALL CLEAR!!! NOTHING lit up!! However, according to the blood work, I am not 100% there yet, of the 3 tumor markers (CEA, 15-3 and 27-19), one is well in the normal range and the other two are 7 points away from normal. Most importantly, I feel great! I have energy, my skin has never looked better and I've lost the extra 15lbs I was carrying since the original diagnosis in 2010.


MIND: I've learned to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. It's an ongoing practice, almost like meditation, because it requires consciousness. I've learned to boost my mood with exercise. And most importantly, I've created healthier, happier relationships by forgiving people and not being so hard on myself and others. When I faced my own mortality, I realized that we're all imperfect, mortal beings with a finite amount of time on this earth. Why not be more loving and accepting instead of being critical and holding anger and resentment. It's made a world of difference.


SPIRIT: They say if you heal your spirit, the body will follow. I've found this to be very true. My spiritual journey started with John of God in Brazil. I wanted to have more faith in the Divine, in a power greater than myself. I visited JOG 3 times in 1 year. Each time I broke deeper into my core and faced myself. Going to JOG led me to my current Healer, Behrooz Danadoost in Novato, CA. I'm continuing to heal with him and to understand, to truly KNOW that I'm a spiritual being having a physical experience. That there's so much more to life than what I can see. Healing is never ending, it's a journey, not a destination. Connecting to my spirit has opened a whole new world for me.


Easy Neither easy
nor hard


In 2010, at the age of 40, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer. I was living a very hectic, fast paced life as a TV Producer, going from show to show, city to city, telling people’s stories. I was single and childless by choice – well, childless by choice. I always had my regular annual exams and the for the last few years (38, 39 year old), I was told I had very dense breasts, but since I didn’t have a history of Breast Cancer in my family, I was told by my gyno to wait until I turned 40 to get a mammogram!!


Well, I waited until I turned 40 and discovered that the dense breasts were actually Stage 3 BC. I was on an MTV shoot in Seattle when I got the news. I immediately flew back home to see Dr. Guiliano, one of the foremost experts on BC, who told me I’d need a single mastectomy because of the size of the tumor. Needless to say, I was completely shocked. But I quickly got into "producer mode" - see a problem, solve it quickly. I put together my team of doctors and less than a month after diagnosis, I did a double mastectomy, followed by 6 rounds of chemo and 28 rounds of radiation.


I didn’t work for the 6-8 months while I was going through treatments and was surrounded by the love of my friends and family. One of the best things I did during this time was that my ex-boyfriend, who is a cinematographer and I decided to make a documentary about this bizarre incident. Filming the experience was extremely healing for me. Through engaging in making a film, I removed myself by one degree from the actual incident. It was like I was telling this woman’s story going through BC. It wasn't really me. It gave me perspective and I started examining "this woman's" life to see why "she" got BC.


I did everything my oncologist recommended. I just wanted to be done with treatments and go back to my old life. The only treatment I couldn't tolerate was the hormonal treatments (Tamoxifen). It blocks all your estrogen and immediately gives you menopausal symptoms. I tried it for about 6 months and just couldn't continue. So, I finished my treatments, set the documentary aside and went back to work in TV. I was back to my long hours fueled by coffee, processed food and alcohol.


Two years after the treatments were done, in 2013 the cancer came back - in my liver!! Now, I was Stage 4 and according to my Oncologist, basically screwed! She told me that on average I had 2 years to live! They laproscopically removed the lesion on my liver and shut down my ovaries with Lupron and put me on the estrogen blockers. I felt like a zombie. Then, my oncologist told me I had to do chemo again! THAT didn’t feel right to me at all. I told her I’m still recovering from the 6 rounds she gave me 2 years ago! That’s when I also realized that when she said "on average 2 years," the continuation of that sentence is “if you do what I tell you..I can surely kill you on average in 2 years!!” LOL! Needless to say, I refused chemo and went to John of God, to heal my soul!


To tell you the truth, I was looking for faith in a higher power. I was envious of people with a strong faith and a connection to the Divine. I was searching for that. I went to JOG three times over the next year. Each time, digging deeper into my emotional wounds and facing myself. The best thing about JOG for me besides his power as a healer, was being in an environment where anything is possible. It gave me hope. Healing from Stage 4 cancer was possible. Also, the energy of the seekers in Abadania was amazing and very healing. My encounters with JOG were very brief, but after his Healings, he requires you to be silent and in bed for 24 hours. This time forced me to turn inwards and deal with myself.


However, every time I came back from JOG, I had to face more doctors appointments and the grim expressions of my doctors. Even though JOG gave me hope, I didn’t want to live in Brazil. I wanted to be near my loved ones. So I went searching for long term Stage 4 cancer survivors and was able to find a handful. I held on to their positive stories and shut out the voices of my doctors with their grim statistics.


It was through JOG that I met a woman who was a Stage 4 Lymphoma survivor. She led me to my current Healer, Behrooz Danadoost, . It was with his guidance that I let go of more emotional baggage. I learned the huge mind/body connection and that happy thoughts create a happy, healthy body. I learned that healing envolves mind/body/soul. I've learned that I'm the co-creator of my life and that my thoughts determine my life. Master Danadoost has healed me emotionally and created the environment where I want to heal. I've forgiven people who have hurt me in the past and have come to a place of acceptance, gratitude and peace. He also has healed my physically. In 2013 when the recurrence happened, they found inflammation in my right kidney. The Urologist told me I'd need a stent in my right ureter, to release the pressure on my kidney. I'd need to replace this stent every 3 months forever. Master Danadoost removed the blockage and after 2 stent replacement surgeries, I haven't needed another stent in 3 years! Needless to say, my doctors are surprised.


On April 13, 2015 despite the hormonal therapy, the tumor markers started climbing again. My oncologist, once again, suggested chemo and I refused. She offered a pill form of chemotherapy called Ibrance, but since it was still considered an experimental drug, insurance would not cover it. It only cost $10,000 a MONTH!! With no guarantees of a cure. Apparently, it suppresses the cancer, but as the paperwork stated, "does not effect mortality" - meaning if you're gonna die in a year, you will whether you take it or not. NO THANKS!


My search intensified. This time, I found a Mark Simon who has created a plan that can cure cancer with diet and non-toxic chemo. The protocol is called NORI (Nutritional Oncology Research Institute). The foundation for NORI is a low methionine diet. Methionine is an amino acid that cancer cells need to survive. Fruit is the lowest methionine food. So by eating a diet high in fruit, you're essentially starving the cancer cells. In fact, tumor die off begins hours after an all fruit diet!! The non-toxic chemo cocktail is: Sodium Selenite, Vit K3, Geranium Fruit Extract (Chinese herb), Vit E and Citric Acid. I was on a Methionine restriction/repletion cycle (for 8 months), where I restricted Methionine for 3 weeks and replenished for 1 week with a low fat vegan diet. I started the program on April 15, 2015 and got my blood work done every 3-4 months. The tumor markers started to drop. My oncologist couldn't believe it and told me that the only way we’ll know what’s really going on is through a PET/CT scan, which I did in January of 2016 and it was ALL CLEAR!!! NOTHING lit up!! However, according to the blood work, I am not 100% there yet, of the 3 tumor markers (CEA, 15-3 and 27-19), one is well in the normal range and the other two are 7 points away from normal. Most importantly, I feel great! I have energy, my skin has never looked better and I've lost the extra 15lbs I was carrying since the original diagnosis in 2010.


Through this ordeal, I've learned to live more through my HEART. To listen to my GUT. To KNOW (not hope, but know) that I am the Co-Creator of my life and therefore powerful beyond belief. Logic and science, of course, have their place, but our body’s intelligence, guided by the Divine, far surpasses anything created by man. I've learned to listen to it.



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Jessica Lynn
By Jessica Lynn
15 - Community Member
7 years ago

GOOSEBUMPS from one holistic survivor and thriver to another - You are so inspiring! Keep sharing, keep moving forward in faith!

Mariam Jobrani
By Mariam Jobrani
35 - Community Member
7 years ago

Thanks dear Jessica! So are YOU!! I just read your story...WOW! Keep on keepin' on...nature has all the answers.

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