Traveling With A Friend Relieves Stress

Photo by Seth Doyle on Unsplash
Mara Landis

Blogger, Mother, Founder of Nutmeg Aspirin, Advocate & "Guinea Pig" for feeling-getting-being-better. Mara is a NY State Safe & Healthy Foods Advisory Council Member, an Advisor to Columbia University’s Spirituality Mind Body Institute, and is currently involved in The Vitality Project at Brown University--a research study looking at the effects of Qi Gong on cancer patients post chemo and radiation as well as supporting efforts to bring mindfulness to doctors in training and the students at large. Mara is a perpetual student of all aspects of holistic living and passionate about helping others to "feel, get and be better."

Jamie Ferrell
A writer, yoga teacher, EFT practitioner, and mother, Jamie lives and breathes helping others feel, get, and be better. A former MindBodyGreen contributor, she writes to create connections in the shared experiences of the human condition and to share ways to be more fulfilled. You can find more of her work at

How It Works

Recently, I left the city to stay over my pal’s breathtaking beach house for the night. My time with her was terrific –- we’re two peas in a pod. Our beach walk, swim, talks and organic lunch from her magnificent garden felt like the sweet spot of my soul. There, I felt unencumbered. Worries, memories, regrets, desires and wishes felt assuaged. I was completely at ease and longed to be exactly where I was. I feel that way when I travel with the people I love. It isn’t that I live a horrible life from which I have to run away. I don’t believe in that. I’ve taken the trouble to carve out a life I love so that I don’t need to run away from it. Nevertheless, travel reminds me of the important things. To put aside my cell phone and watch. When you have no reception, your phone loses all its power.  When you aren’t wearing a watch or anything short of a bathing suit for that matter your day becomes more spacious. You can tune into your natural biorhythm. Stuff stops mattering, and the only thing in your day is relationship. Your relationship with nature. Your relationship with the people whom you love to pieces. Your relationship with yourself. I believe in creating a life from which you don’t need to run away or take a vacation. Yet, changing perspective can be such a wonderful reminder of a different way – highlighting things we miss that we would like to add back in our day-to-day lives like making time for ourselves and the people we love. Traveling with your friend – the antidote to stress. Bon voyage! 


Easy Neither easy
nor hard

What do you think?

Mara Landis

Blogger, Mother, Founder of Nutmeg Aspirin, Advocate & "Guinea Pig" for feeling-getting-being-better. Mara is a NY State Safe & Healthy Foods Advisory Council Member, an Advisor to Columbia University’s Spirituality Mind Body Institute, and is currently involved in The Vitality Project at Brown University--a research study looking at the effects of Qi Gong on cancer patients post chemo and radiation as well as supporting efforts to bring mindfulness to doctors in training and the students at large. Mara is a perpetual student of all aspects of holistic living and passionate about helping others to "feel, get and be better."

Jamie Ferrell
A writer, yoga teacher, EFT practitioner, and mother, Jamie lives and breathes helping others feel, get, and be better. A former MindBodyGreen contributor, she writes to create connections in the shared experiences of the human condition and to share ways to be more fulfilled. You can find more of her work at
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Mara Landis
By Mara Landis
1445 - Community Leader
7 years ago

What a beautiful testament to friendship, love and the power of quality time. Thank you for sharing!!

Jamie Ferrell
By Jamie Ferrell
940 - Ambassador
7 years ago

Totally agree with Mara!

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