Your Approach to Others

Jamie Ferrell
A writer, yoga teacher, EFT practitioner, and mother, Jamie lives and breathes helping others feel, get, and be better. A former MindBodyGreen contributor, she writes to create connections in the shared experiences of the human condition and to share ways to be more fulfilled. You can find more of her work at

How It Works

Simple, wish to others BEFORE communicating verbally

What You’ll Need

  • Desire to feel good


Easy Neither easy
nor hard


In May 2006, I had the privilege of seeing a live interview with French writer and Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard. His latest book Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill was going to be discussed and available during this live conversation at the 92nd St Y in NYC that was moderated by actor/social activist Richard Gere.


Years later, I still pick up the book every now and then and refer back to it as if it were a useful teaching tool. It has helped put in perspective or guide me through whatever the current distraction or obstacle of the moment might be. I highly recommend it.


But one of the most profound things that stuck out from the lecture was something Richard Gere shared that he was taught to do when approaching others. I don’t recall specifically where or who he learned this from. He said the next time you approach someone, look at them and in your own head say to yourself, “ I wish you happiness.”


Also around this time, I had just finished reading The Art of Happiness by His Holiness the Dalai Lama [another life long teaching tool]. One of the many gifts I got from that book was to simply approach others as human beings first. That’s it. Human. Don’t approach others by appearance, religion, gender etc…but just, as another human. We truly are all one, and that is a great way to connect with others. So I was enjoying the benefits of this when Richard shared his wisdom and I found they both work together beautifully.


After the lecture, I got to meet Mr. Ricard and he signed my book. It was a wonderful evening and to this day, when I see a market cashier, a stranger on the subway or bus, meet a work colleague, the bank teller, a friend, family, bartender etc….whether we are going to speak to each other or not, it begins with a look and in my head and with a smile, “I wish you happiness.” Try it.


What do you think?

Jamie Ferrell
A writer, yoga teacher, EFT practitioner, and mother, Jamie lives and breathes helping others feel, get, and be better. A former MindBodyGreen contributor, she writes to create connections in the shared experiences of the human condition and to share ways to be more fulfilled. You can find more of her work at
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Jamie Ferrell
By Jamie Ferrell
940 - Ambassador
7 years ago

I didn't know where this method came from, but I remember reading about it and it stuck with me. I was in Afghanistan for 18 months from 2011-2013 and used to run there, thinking, "I wish you happiness" to the war fighters and terrorists alike. It always felt so profound to focus my energy in that way. Thank you for sharing.

Mara Landis
By Mara Landis
1445 - Community Leader
7 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing! So simple. So wise and no doubt so effective. I intend to do this always, starting right now. "I wish you happiness" Peaceful Warrior!! Much gratitude!

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