How can I stop my eyes from watering when I go outside?

I don't have allergies that I know of, but for some reason, my eyes get extremely watery at a certain park near my house. I don't know if it's because the grass is being chemically treated or if I've developed pollen allergies, but I'd love ways to make the watering stop! I also don't get a runny nose or any other typical allergy symptoms, just watery eyes.


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Community responses

Cristi Jayo
By Cristi Jayo
300 - Contributor
6 years ago

Do you wear contact lenses? If you do, this might be it. I had a similar issue and it stopped when I switched brands & to daily lenses.

Heidi Sloane
By Heidi Sloane
1040 - Community Leader
6 years ago

Have you tried taking an antihistamine / allergy medicine before going to the park or while you're experiencing the watery eyes? It might be a quick way to find out if allergies are the cause or not (and if so you can look for alternative allergy treatment is you're avoiding meds).