Thieves essential oil keeps colds and minor infections away


How It Works

Spray Thieves essential oil (I purchase young living brand) on the bottom of your feet nightly before bed.


What You’ll Need


Easy Neither easy
nor hard


I tried a basic starter pack of Young Living Essential Oils about 2 years ago. One of the items in that starter pack was thieves blend of essential oil. I haven't had a cold or flu-like symptoms or a minor infection since starting this routine.

I also use Thieves hand wash, dish detergent as well.

I'm trying to reduce my exposure to harmful chemicals and unnecessary medications or shots by using specific essential oils to treat these issues.

There are many other essential oils that help me on a daily basis...dragontime I put inside my ankle to help curb my mood swings, peppermint on my temples for headaches and panaway directly on sore muscles. All four of these oils I cannot live without. I am a true believer in using essential oil to cure most common re-occurring ailments.

What do you think?

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Shira Adler
By Shira Adler
75 - Community Member
6 years ago

I love Thieves Oil! Even though I have a company with my own line of Synergy Sprays (actually I'm super proud, it's the only CBD infused aromatherapy line in the world)... I LOVE and have a few "singles" meaning single bottles of my favorite complimentary blends. Thieves Oil is one. I actually suggest taking a couple of drops in water when a cold (or worse) is starting. I also use it as a super hand sanitizer. However, be CAREFUL! You don't want to touch around your eyes when you do! BURNS!

Jamie Ferrell
By Jamie Ferrell
940 - Ambassador
7 years ago

I'm definitely going to try your tips, Susie! Thank you!

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