How to sleep better


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Heidi Sloane
By Heidi Sloane
1040 - Community Leader
5 years ago

Have you tried coffea cruda or melatonin? I specifically take coffea cruda if I'm over-caffeinated but the formal indication (via the Boiron site) is for "Sleeplessness with mental hyperactivity" and my local homeopathic pharmacy says it's great for relaxing.

Holisticole | Vibrant Wellness Collective
5 years ago

Take Reishi Mushroom! I recommend Purica or Host Defense for capsules and Four Sigmatic for their Reishi Hot Cacao instant powder. This adaptogenic mushroom helps you to fall asleep and it promotes deep REM. It also helps to balance you in other areas too, such as immunity, hormones, stress and energy levels... Sleep tight :)

Heidi Sloane
By Heidi Sloane
1040 - Community Leader
5 years ago

Try a white-noise machine (especially if you are waking up throughout the night because of noise). I live in an apartment in a big city and swear by my ElectroFan.

Mona Wolters
By Mona Wolters
25 - Community Member
5 years ago

I get anxiety when I can't sleep and hate hearing anything but silence.

Heidi Sloane
By Heidi Sloane
1040 - Community Leader
5 years ago

It's supposed to be great for people with anxiety (my partner says it helps him). The noise is definitely noticeable for the first 15 seconds or so, but then I guess you get used to it and don't hear/notice it anymore? If you're not sure it's for you, maybe try googling white noise sounds and listening via youtube to see if it works for you before investing in a machine.

Mara Landis
By Mara Landis
1445 - Community Leader
5 years ago

There are many tips on the site to help with sleep. Just search sleep. Also try staying out of your bedroom until the moment you go to sleep. This was recommended by a doctor and it seems to be working for my husband. The idea is — the bedroom is only for sleep and sex. He also suggested spending 5-10 minutes a day writing down your worries so you don’t have to think about them at bedtime. Hope this helps.