Any sore knee sufferers? I'd love to hear how you've reduced pain.

I tore my MCL in my left knee as a teenager, and it still flares up based on the kind of activity I do. Ice packs are my bff, but I'd love to hear other ideas to beat the inflammation and pain!


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Community responses

Joy Harari
By Joy Harari
50 - Community Member
7 years ago

There is a great cream called Deep Blue that is from Do Terra essential oils. It is a great immediate relief. My Shore Magic Collagen takes a few months but is a permanent answer. People have completely resolved meniscus and other knee issues with it in a few months.

Mara Landis
By Mara Landis
1445 - Community Leader
7 years ago

If you have access to medical marijuana, cannibis infused Tiger balm works miracles!!! I like Mary's Medicinals or whatever brand you can find will work. There are many variations.

Heidi Sloane
By Heidi Sloane
1040 - Community Leader
7 years ago

Try Topricin Cream –– it's my go-to for joint pain.